YQIS conference > Program details

General Information

YQIS is a three-day conference (November 6-8, 2024) featuring scientific presentations by young researchers. It is free to attend, but participants are expected to register (see the "Registration" page). The conference welcomes external contributions (see the "Submit you contribution" page).


(To see the speaker's slides, click on their name.)

Invited Speakers (45' talk + 15' questions format)

  • Ronald de Wolf (CWI and University of Amsterdam) 
  • Juani Bermejo-Vega (Universidad de Granada)
  • Eleni Diamanti (Sorbonne Université, Paris)

Accepted Talks (25' talk + 5' questions format)

  • Simulation of Entangled States with One Bit of Communication by Peter Sidajaya, Aloysius Dewen Lim, Baichu Yu, and Valerio Scarani
  • Permutation tests for quantum state identity by Harry Buhrman, Dmitry Grinko, Jordi Weggemans, and Philip Verduyn Lunel
  • Quantifying the intrinsic randomness of quantum measurements by Gabriel Ignacio Senno, Antonio Acín, and Thomas Strohm
  • Metrological usefulness of entanglement and nonlinear Hamiltonians by Satoya Imai, Augusto Smerzi, and Luca Pezzè
  • Implications of Information Causality and its Generalisations by Prabhav Jain, Nikolai Miklin, and Mariami Gachechiladze
  • Advantages of Multicopy Nonlocality Distillation and Its Application to Minimizing Communication Complexity by Giorgos Eftaxias, Mirjam Weilenmann, and Roger Colbeck
  • Entanglement-swapping in generalised probabilistic theories, and iterated CHSH games by Lionel Jeevan Dmello, Laurens T. Ligthart, and David Gross
  • Quantum bounds for compiled XOR games and d-outcome CHSH games by Matilde Baroni, Quoc-Huy Vu, Boris Bourdoncle, Damian Markham, Eleni Diamanti, and Ivan Supic
  • Maximal intrinsic randomness of a quantum state by Shuyang Meng, Fionnuala CurranGabriel Senno, Victoria J. Wright, Máté Farkas, Valerio Scarani and Antonio Acín
  • How much secure randomness is in a quantum state? by Kriss Gutierrez Anco, Tristan Nemoz, and Peter Brown
  • Robust self-testing of Bell inequalities tilted for maximal loophole-free nonlocality by Ekta Panwar
  • Spin-bounded correlations: rotation boxes within and beyond quantum theory by Thomas Galley, Albert Aloy, Caroline Jones, Stefan Ludescher, and Markus Müller
  • Measurement-induced phase transitions by matrix product states scaling by Guillaume Cecile, Hugo Lóio, and Jacopo De Nardis
  • Quantum features from classical entropies by Yannick Deller, Martin Gärttner, Tobi Haas, Markus K. Oberthaler, Moritz Reh, and Helmut Strobel
  • Magic-induced computational separation in entanglement theory by Andi Gu, Salvatore Francesco Emanuele Oliviero, and Lorenzo Leone
  • Assessing Nuclear Spin Registers Coupled to Defects for Quantum Memories by Filippos Dakis, Evangelia Takou, Edwin Barnes, and Sophia Economou
  • Anomalous bunching of nearly indistinguishable bosons by Léo Pioge, Benoit Seron, Leonardo Novo, and Nicolas Cerf
  • Operator space fragmentation in perturbed Floquet-Clifford circuits by Marcell Dorian Kovacs, Christopher J. Turner, Lluis Masanes, and Arijeet Pal
  • Efficient cross-platform verification by Marcel Hinsche, Marios Ioannou, Sofiene Jerbi, Jose Carrasco, Lorenzo Leone, and Jens Eisert
  • Learning quantum states and unitaries of bounded gate complexity by Haimeng Zhao, Laura Lewis, Ishaan Kannan, Yihui Quek, Hsin-Yuan Huang, and Matthias Caro
  • Learning quantum states of continuous variable systems by Francesco Anna Mele, Antonio Anna Mele, Lennart Bittel, Jens Eisert, Vittorio Giovannetti, Ludovico Lami, Lorenzo Leone and Salvatore F.E. Oliviero
  • Early Fault-Tolerant Quantum Algorithms in Practice: Application to Ground-State Energy Estimation by Oriel Kiss, Utkarsh Azad, Borja Requena, Alessandro Roggero, David Wakeham, and Juan Miguel Arrazola
  • Variational quantum simulation: a case study for understanding warm starts by Ricard Puig, Marc Drudis, Supanut Thanasilp, and Zoe Holmes
  • Noise-induced shallow circuits and absence of barren plateaus by Antonio Anna Mele, Armando Angrisani, Soumik Ghosh, Sumeet Khatri, Jens Eisert, Daniel Stilck França, and Yihui Quek
  • Tracial embeddable strategies: Lifting MIP* tricks to MIPco by Junqiao Lin
  • Analog information decoding of bosonic quantum LDPC codes by Lucas Berent, Timo Hillmann, Jens Eisert, Robert Wille, and Joschka Roffe
  • Vertex-minor universal graphs for generating entangled quantum subsystems by Nathan Claudet, Maxime Cautrès, Mehdi Mhalla, Simon Perdrix, Valentin Savin, and Stéphan Thomassé
  • Matchgate hierarchy: A Clifford-like hierarchy for matchgate circuits by Angelos Bampounis, Rui Soares Barbosa and Nadish de Silva
  • Wigner’s Theorem for stabilizer states and quantum designs by Valentin Obst, Arne Heimendahl, Tanmay Singal and David Gross
  • Extendibility of Brauer states by Adrian Solymos, Dávid Jakab, and Zoltán Zimborás

 Accepted Posters (format can go up to A0 portrait)

 Wednesday Poster Session

  • W1: Quantum State Designs with Clifford Enhanced Matrix Product States by Guglielmo Lami, Tobias Haug and Jacopo De Nardis
  • W2: An even-parity precession protocol for detecting nonclassicality and entanglement by Jinyan Chen, Jackson Tiong, Lin Htoo Zaw and Valerio Scarani
  • W3: Quantum communication on the bosonic loss-dephasing channel by Francesco Anna Mele, Farzin Salek, Vittorio Giovannetti and Ludovico Lami
  • W4: Information and majorization theory in fermionic phase space Nicolas J. Cerf and Tobias Haas
  • W5: Exploring logical gates of GF(4) codes by Aisling Mac Aree
  • W6: Impossible Actions for Spin Chain Evolution by Thomas Beet and Alastair Kay
  • W7: Quantum annealing for finding maximum-weight independent set of unit-disk graphs by Ahmed M. Farouk, Ilya I. Beterov, Peng Xu and Igor I. Ryabtsev
  • W8: A no-cloning theorem in classical mechanics by Yuan Yao
  • W9: Convergence analysis of iterative methods for quantum state discrimination by Ali Almasi, Peter Brown and Cambyse Rouzé
  • W10: Security of Super Dense Coding under Pauli Noise by Ghislaine Coulter-de Wit, Hermann Kampermann and Dagmar Bruß
  • W11: Routed Bell tests and their application to device-independent certification of quantum devices by Edwin Peter Lobo, Jef Pauwels and Stefano Pironio
  • W12: Entanglement of Multi-Photon States in Optical Networks by Emil Donkersloot
  • W13: Asymptotic Purification of Quantum Trajectories in a Stationary Random Environment by Lubashan Pathirana, Owen Ekblad, Eloy Moreno Nadales and Jeffrey Schenker
  • W14: Using state diagrams to generate tree tensor networks of a quantum system by Richard Milbradt, Quensheng Huang and Christian Mendl
  • W15: Spin-Qubit Transistors. Ge-hole and other quantum systems with long-range exchange coupling by Marcel Mordarski
  • W16: High Schmidt number concentration in quantum bound entangled states by Robin Krebs
  • W17: Exponential sum computation via matrix permanent with application to quantum probability amplitude estimation by Hugo Thomas, Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau and Rawad Mezher
  • W18: Limitations of probabilistic error cancellation for open dynamics beyond sampling overhead by Yue Ma and Myungshik Kim
  • W19: Predicting Ground State Properties: Constant Sample Complexity and Deep Learning Algorithms by Marc Wanner, Laura Lewis, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, Devdatt Dubhashi and Alexandru Gheorghiu
  • W20: Parametric Matrix Models by Patrick Cook, Danny Jammooa, Dean Lee, Morten Hjorth-Jensen and Daniel Lee
  • W21: Detecting continuous-variable entanglement with multiple copies by Serge Deside, Tobias Haas and Nicolas J. Cerf
  • W22: On the Interpretability of Quantum Neural Networks by Lirandë Pira and Chris Ferrie
  • W23: Characterizing entangling and entanglement breaking channels from higher moments of randomized measurements by Salwa Shaglel and Satoya Imai
  • W24: Kramers-Kronig detection in the quantum regime by Thomas Pousset, Maxime Federico, Romain Alléaume and Nicolas Fabre
  • W25: Entanglement from an information compression perspective by Philipp Stammer
  • W26: Uncomputability of phase diagrams with one phase transition by James Purcell, Zhi Li and Toby Cubitt
  • W27: Entanglement dynamics in photonic quantum memristors by Alberto Ferrara and Rosario Lo Franco
  • W28: A Bravyi-König theorem for Floquet codes by Jelena Mackeprang and Jonas Helsen
  • W29: Characterizing Signalling: Connections between Causal Inference and Space-time Geometry by Maarten Grothus and V. Vilasini
  • W30: Two convergent NPA-like hierarchies for the quantum bilocal scenario by Xiangling Xu, Marc-Olivier Renou and Laurens T. Ligthart
  • W31: Symmetry breaking in geometric quantum machine learning in the presence of noise by Cenk Tüysüz, Su Yeon Chang, Maria Demidik, Karl Jansen, Sofia Vallecorsa and Michele Grossi
  • W32: Stabilizing cat qubits using a voltage biased Josephson junction by Thiziri Aissaoui 
  • W33:Effective quantum dot-waveguide two-photon interaction for time-frequency continuous variables entanglement by Mohamed Meguebel, Maxime Federico, Simone Felicetti, Nadia Belabas and Nicolas Fabre
  • W34:Problem-informed Graphical Quantum Generative Learning by Bence Bakó, Dániel Nagy, Péter Hága, Zsófia Kallus and Zoltán Zimborás
  • W35: Studying the ground states of quantum many-body spin models with deep neural networks by Rajah Nutakki and Filippo Vicentini
  • W36: Semi-device-independent certification of number of measurements by Isadora Veeren and Martin Plávala
  • W37: Classical certification of quantum gates under the dimension assumption by Jan Nöller, Nikolai Miklin, Martin Kliesch and Mariami Gachechiladze
  • W38: High-dimensional QKD certified by steering inequality violations by Monika Mothsara, Vatshal Srivastav, Will McCutcheon, Glaucia Murta
  • W39: Nonlocality of the energy density of single-photon states by Maxime Federico and Hans-Rudolf Jauslin
  • W40: Improved Financial Forecasting via Quantum Machine Learning by Sohum Thakkar, Skander Kazdaghli, Natansh Mathur, Iordanis Kerenidis, André Juan Ferreira Martins de Moraes and Samuraí Brito

Thursday Poster Session

  • T1: Machine learning with quantum Boltzmann machines by Maria Demidik, Cenk Tüysüz, Nico Piatkowski, Michele Grossi and Karl Jansen
  • T2: Robustness of the projected squeezed state protocol by Byron Alexander, John Bollinger and Mark Tame
  • T3: Continuous-Variable QKD with key rates far above Devetak-Winter by Arpan Akash Ray and Boris Skoric
  • T4: Multi-copy activation of genuine multipartite entanglement in continuous-variable systems by Klára Baksová, Olga Leskovjanová, Ladislav Mišta, Elizabeth Agudelo and Nicolai Friis
  • T5: Local Measurement Strategies for Multipartite Entanglement Quantification by Luke Coffman, Akshay Seshadri, Graeme Smith and Jacob Beckey
  • T6: Entanglement distribution through separable states via a zero-added-loss photon multiplexing inspired protocol by Conall Campbell, Adam Hawkins, Hannah McAleese, Giorgio Zicari and Mauro Paternostro
  • T7: Shifting the critical energy of a BEC in a double well trap by Daniel Julian and Eduardo Serrano
  • T8: Minimal Equational Theories for Quantum Circuits by Alexandre Clément, Noé Delorme and Simon Perdrix
  • T9: Further improving quantum algorithms for nonlinear differential equations via higher-order methods and rescaling by Pedro Costa, Philipp Schleich, Mauro Morales and Dominic Berry
  • T10: Minimal Equational Theories for Quantum Circuits by Alexandre Clément, Noé Delorme and Simon Perdrix
  • T11: IQP Sampling and Verifiable Quantum Advantage: Stabilizer Scheme and Classical Security by Michael Bremner, Bin Cheng and Zhengfeng Ji
  • T12: Quantum metrology of rotations with mixed spin states by Eduardo Serrano-Ensástiga, Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos and John Martin
  • T13: Dynamical decoupling of multi-qudit systems using exceptional point groups by Colin Read, Eduardo Serrano-Ensástiga and John Martin
  • T14: Invariants in linear optics by Sébastien Draux
  • T15: Fundamental charges for dual-unitary circuits by Tom Holden-Dye, Lluis Masanes, Arijeet Pal and Christopher J Turner
  • T16: The Cost of Weak Simulating Quantum Circuits via Generative Adversarial Networks by João Pedro Del Rey, Alexandre Baron Tacla, Raúl O. Vallejos and Fernando de Melo
  • T17: Generation of anticoherent spin states by Jérôme Denis, Colin Read and John Martin
  • T18: Cohering and Decohering Power Analysis in Grover's Search Algorithm by Christiana M. Giannetou, Nikos Kollas and Kostas Blekos
  • T19: Quantum circuit compression using qubit logic on qudits (QLOQ) by Liam Lysaght, Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Timothée Goubault and Patrick Sinnott
  • T20: Practical randomness amplification and privitisation with implementations on quantum computers by Sherilyn Wright and Cameron Foreman
  • T21: Majorization theoretical approach to entanglement enhancement via local filtration by Zacharie Van Herstraeten, Nicolas Cerf, Saikat Guha and Christos Gagatsos
  • T22: Detection of mode-intrinsic quantum entanglement by Carlos Ernesto Lopetegui Gonzalez, Mathieu Isoard and Mattia Walschaers
  • T23: Polynomial Optimization with partially commuting variables by Abhishek Mishra, Moisés Bermejo Morán and Stefano Pironio
  • T24: Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill encoding in continuous modal variables of single photons by Eloi Descamps, Arne Keller and Perola Milman
  • T25: Estimation of entanglement monotones in permutationally invariant spin systems by Julia Mathe, Giuseppe Vitagliano and Ayaka Usui
  • T26: A Practical Protocol for Quantum Oblivious Transfer from One-Way Functions by Alex Bredariol Grilo, Eleni Diamanti, Adriano Innocenzi, Pascal Lefebvre, Verena Yacoub and Alvaro Yángüez
  • T27: A superlinear advantage in query complexity from causal indefiniteness by Alastair Abbott, Mehdi Mhalla and Pierre Pocreau
  • T28: Quantum Machine Learning Adapters by Snehal Raj and Brian Coyle
  • T29: An operational analysis of superluminal observers by Amrapali Sen, Matthias Salzger and Łukasz Rudnicki
  • T30: Characterization of non-Markovianity induced by random telegraph noise in bosonic channels by Adithi Udupa, Timo Hillmann, Giulia Ferrini and Andrea Smirne
  • T31: A decompositional framework for process theories in spacetime by Matthias Salzger and John Selby
  • T32: Efficiency of a Quantum Thermal State Sampler by József Mák, Balázs Kabella, András Gilyén and Zoltán Zimborás
  • T33: Quantum key distribution with small data block sizes by Vaisakh Mannalath, Victor Zapatero and Marcos Curty
  • T34: Practical randomness amplification and privitisation with implementations on quantum computers by Sherilyn Wright and Cameron Foreman
  • T35: Quantum Illumination with a Three-Mode Parametric Amplifier by Andrés Agustí Casado and Carlos Sabín
  • T36: Quantum Algorithm for Binary Near-Perfect Phylo by Lingfa Meng, David Salvador Novo, Albert Werner and Samir Bhatt
  • T37: Towards Long-Distance Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution by Mariana Navarro Asan-Srain, Anna Steffinlongo, Enky Oudot, Marina Cenni, Xavier Valcarce and Antonio Acin
  • T38: New tools for verification of quantum computation in the circuit model by Sami Abdul Sater and Harold Ollivier
  • T39:Routing Quantum Control of Causal Order by Maarten Grothus, Alastair A. Abbott and Cyril Branciard  
  • T40:Quantum Fourier networks for solving parametric PDEs by Nishant Jain, Jonas Landman, Natansh Mathur and Iordanis Kerenidis
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